Europa barbarorum steam install

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Дмитрий Macedonec Idea, concept, text files, general administration Makanyane for help with my epic vegetation struggle Robbe Aerts for useful tips on climates and vegetation Kirila Kristi for translation correctionsĬomrade_general for inspiration with his works and for great days of Persian Invasion and The Hellenic States Suppanut for modding advices on stability and balancing and support Seasoned Alcoholic Rome - Total Gameplay campaign mapĬrazyroman for setting up most units voices, eastern officers assignments, correcting typos, extensive testing, advices and inspirationĭmitriy Macedonec for giving a permission to create this submodĪs1991 for his awesome Let's Play Parthia on YouTube - in an older version of this mod and inspirationĪhowl11 for his patience with such fragile person as I am, and for help and support in various areas

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Jpinard, Luvian, Siblesz completed factions modĬampaigns and historical battles original designers:

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Guererro Sabino Guererro Sabuno's mod resourcesĮuropa Barbarorum Team Europa Barbarorum mod Dick & Alxcruel Pax Barbarica & Barbarians Revenge modsĭvk901 & Roma Surrectum II team Roma Surrectum II mod